
Easy installation

blendz can be installed from the command line using pip:

pip install blendz

blendz requires numpy and scipy to run, two common packages in scientific python code. These are easily installed using the Anaconda python distribution if you’re not already a python user.

This allows you to use blendz straight away by installing Nestle, a pure Python implementation of the Nested Sampling algorithm. While this is easier to install than Multinest, photo-z runs will be slower. If you have a large number of galaxies you want to analyse, you should install Multinest using the instructions below.

Installing from source

To download and install blendz from source instead, clone the repository and install from there:

git clone
cd blendz
python install

Downloading from source allows you to run the tests, which require pytest.

pip install pytest
cd path/to/blendz

Installing Multinest

blendz uses the PyMultinest library to run Multinest. To enable Multinest sampling in blendz, you need to install both of these libraries yourself.

Detailed instructions to install these can be found here with additional details for installing on macOS available here.

It is recommended you ensure that you have MPI and mpi4py working before installing Multinest to enable parallel sampling which can greatly increase the speed of photo-z runs. Try installing mpi4py:

pip install mpi4py

and test:

mpiexec -n 1 python -m mpi4py.bench helloworld

If you need to install an MPI library, you can do install openMPI on Linux using

sudo apt-get install openmpi-bin libopenmpi-dev

and on macOS using MacPorts by

sudo port install openmpi

Common errors

Could not load Multinest library

If you see an error like

ERROR:   Could not load MultiNest library ""
ERROR:   You have to build it first, and point the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to it!

this is because PyMultinest cannot find the Multinest library. If you installed Multinest in the folder


the following command

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="path/to/MultiNest/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"

will add Multinest to the path variable so that it can be found. To avoid having to run this every time you open a new terminal window, you should add this line to your terminal startup file (.bashrc on Linux and .bash_profile on macOS). This can be done on Linux using

echo 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="path/to/MultiNest/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc

and on macOS using

echo 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="path/to/MultiNest/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile

Intel MKL fatal error

The following error

Intel MKL FATAL ERROR: Cannot load or

seems to be problem related to Anaconda’s packaging of the MKL library. Forcing a reinstallation of numpy by

conda install -f numpy

can sometimes fix it. For more information, see this discussion on GitHub.