All configuration options

Below are all of the possible configuration settings. When being set by a configuration file, they should be given as described in Setting the configuration, split by [Data] and [Run]. When being set as keyword arguments, this split is not necessary, but each option should be passed as the correct type.

If you do not set an option, the default value is taken instead. Options with a N/A default value are not optional and must be set by you.

Data options

Configuration option Explanation Default Python type
data_path Absolute path to the file containing your photometry. N/A str
skip_data_rows Number of columns to ignore at the top of the data file. 0 int
data_is_csv Flag of whether data is comma-separated. If False, the data file is assumed to be whitespace separated. False bool
filter_path Absolute path to the folder where the files describing your filters are stored. Filter folder in the included resources. str
mag_cols List of the columns in the data-file where the AB-magnitude of the source in each band is. Indices start at zero. N/A list of int
sigma_cols List of the columns in the data-file where the error on the AB-magnitude of the source in each band is. Indices start at zero. N/A list of int
spec_z_col The column in the data-file where the spectroscopic redshift of the source is. If it’s not present in the data-file, set to None. Indices start at zero. None int or None
ref_band Index of the filter band (of the list of filters, not the data file column) that is considered the reference band, the band the priors are conditioned on, and where the soure magnitude is sampled. Indices start at zero. N/A int
filters List of paths to the filter files, relative to filter_path, with file extensions. The included filters are saved in files without a file extension. N/A list of str
zero_point_errors List of errors on the zero point calibration of each filter band. N/A list of float
magnitude_limit Value of the survey magnitude limit, fixed for all galaxies. One of magnitude_limit or magnitude_limit_col must be set. If both are set. magnitude_limit is ignored. N/A float
magnitude_limit_col Value of the survey magnitude limit, set individually for each galaxy. One of magnitude_limit or magnitude_limit_col must be set. If both are set. magnitude_limit_col is preferred. N/A int
no_detect_value Value of the data when an observation was made but the source was not detected. 99.0 float
no_observe_value Value of the data when an observation was not made. -99.0 float
angular_resolution Angular resolution of the data. Sources with a smaller angular separation than this are assumed to be blended (for the correlation function). In units of arcseconds. N/A float

Run options

Configuration option Explanation Default Python type
z_lo Minimum redshift to sample. 0 float
z_hi Maximum redshift to sample. 10 float
z_len Length of redshift grid to calculate functions of redshift on before interpolating. 1000 int
ref_mag_lo Minimum magnitude to sample (numerically, i.e. the brightest magnitude). N/A float
ref_mag_hi Fixed maximum magnitude to sample (numerically, i.e. the dimmest magnitude). One of ref_mag_hi or ref_mag_hi_sigma must be set. If both are set, ref_mag_hi is ignored. N/A float
ref_mag_hi_sigma Maximum magnitude to sample (numerically, i.e. the dimmest magnitude) in terms of reference band flux error. One of ref_mag_hi or ref_mag_hi_sigma must be set. If both are set, ref_mag_hi_sigma is preferred. N/A float
template_set_path Absolute path to the folder containing the template set file, as described in Specifying templates. Templates in the template set file are specified with a path relative to this. Template folder in the included resources. str
template_set File name of the template set file. BPZ8 - The set of 8 templates from BPZ str
sort_redshifts Whether to use redshift sorting to break the exchangability of blended posteriors. If False, magnitude sorting is used. True bool
omega_mat Omega-matter cosmological parameter. 0.3065 float
omega_lam Omega-lambda cosmological parameter. 0.6935 float
omega_k Omega-k cosmological parameter.
hubble Hubble constant in km/s/Mpc. 67.9 float
r0 Constant of proportionality in correlation function power law. Units of Mpz/h.
gamma Exponent parameter in correlation function power law. 1.77 float
prior_params Array of prior parameters used in the default prior function. Can be set to None for being set by the prior calibration described on Prior calibration. Parameters from Benitez (2000), plus 0.6 for the additional magnitude prior parameter. list of float